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No punctuation just repetition
to let you know something else
is to know not just repetition
but relation in time the repetition
creates with its drag and bad line
breaks bad jokes and it is the best  
because everything is poetry
even when it is not very
good very good very good
if you know what I mean you have paused
in the right moment and let this word
elide the overlaps of the last and its shadowing and plumb
its gravitational pull right where your ear holes are
where no punctuation makes speech
a formal matter
fit for animals
who think
like at first
we were

and stopped but not before
passing on this passing
on that passing
then settling then passing
on those to make this
I mean literally this
I repeat this
this this this this

stream of several million Scoville
Heat Units in the eyes
capsicum aerosol
weaponized pepper
end of Speech
Act I

Brazil Confed Cup Protests



Working Titles: Improvised poems following titles picked near-randomly from the proverbial hat