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Longing for Lists

Twitter poem No. 2*

Not every great movie fell
the direction Lucky the Tree did

deer in the yard
sweet tabby kitten on porch

rather fetching nerdboyfriend
fucking just broke my laptop

not what I needed but what
more could you ask for?

A funeral for sea level Clint
shot by police on August 16th

Miners in South Africa charged
with the murder of 34 colleagues

Midwest made out of sand
to start era after Paterno

Republicans yell at me
to get off their lawn

you can’t get pay for suing
because nobody has any money!




Sparta fell
peddling sex

what is
morally right
is not
at all

politically possible

childbirth and social fabric
become more profitable


banker loves smashing windows
you know it and sex workers know it


unusual police movements outside Walden Pond


Emily Dickinson eating satanic horrors


some are better than others, but all are bad


Stop, Traveler, and Piss!’

*built (fast) from my feed